MS CRICHTON: Mrs Xhakana, you are here to tell us about your husband. What was his name?
MS XHAKANA: He was Shomboto Rubin Xhakana.
MS CRICHTON: And he was detained for three years. Is that correct?
MS XHAKANA: Yes that is correct.
MS CRICHTON: What was the charge?
MS XHAKANA: He was arrested in the Nonqulana incident.
MS CRICHTON: And on his release he was a very sick man. Did they tell you in the hospital in Nzimkulu what was wrong with him?
MS XHAKANA: They said that he had been beaten up, he was coughing blood and he could not hear.
MS CRICHTON: It seems that there were many people who came out of prison, out of detention who were coughing blood. Why do you think that was?
MS XHAKANA: This was because they were beaten up and they were kicked and he was beaten up by the back of the rifles.
MS CRICHTON: You also speak how this has affected you. You say that you have suffered from depression? Are you under any treatment for that?
MS XHAKANA: No. I am under no treatment, because I ... the one of the state of my health.
MS CRICHTON: I need to ask Mr Lungu the same question. Mrs Xhakana is there anything else you wish to say?