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Conflict between local councillors and political activists intensified in townships around the country during the 1980s, as pressure mounted on councillors to resign their positions on councils created under the Black Local Authorities Act and without popular support. Councillors who refused to resign risked attacks on their homes, families and business premises.

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... Oupa Gozo had his organisation by the name of ADM. We were told when we were at the hall in 1 Ciskei Battalion that as people were burnt and the councillors were involved, we had to protect ...
to normalise the situation and many activists were harassed. The applicant states inter alia that he was instructed to guard the homes of Community Councillors who were quite unpopular in the area. In addition, he had to take part in the petrol bombing of homes of UDF leaders and their ...
... can relate the story to us. --- In 1979, the community of Lamontville asked Mzizi that he should join the election, because they were electing councillors, and he did actually enter the elections but his name was not chosen, so consequently he was not elected. And I remember at that time I ...
... The destruction of local authoritieswas seen to be part of this process. This was followed by thebrutal murders of a number of community councillors, administrativepersonnel, police officials and other persons who in any way assistedthe State. These murders and killings often occurred ...
Councillors and Police were called on to resign, municipal buildings and homes of collaborators, were attacked. As the administrative system broke down, people established their own democratic structures to run the community, including Street Committees and People's Courts.
MR NDLOVU: Okay, at the time everybody, almost everyone knew that those apartheid structures, be it councillors or any other form of administration were actually targeted by the ANC and the armed wing to actually undermine those structures, to render the country ungovernable, to make sure that ...
CHAIRPERSON: He merely attended as an interested ratepayer or citizen and he wouldn’t be expected to sign a register, as Councillors would.
... top body of the Party, namely the General Council which consisted of plus minus 35 people representing the four Provinces plus MP's and President's ...
... (2) this violence is taking place in a counter-revolutionary context directed by agencies of the State and its surrogate Forces in the form of councillors, warlords, vigilantes, death squads and certain white right wing elements; (3) the ANC together with other democratic Forces, such as ...
MR ERASMUS: This pertained to boycotts, the burning of beer halls, delivery vehicles, attacks on black councillors and their homes, attacks on policemen and their homes, large scale intimidation, marches, and this had to do with the with the destruction of property and the killing of people.
"...such as policemen, township councillors and those opposed to the revolution. An aspect, as the London Times pointed out on the 8th of June 1988 that, 'leaders of the organisation's political wing tend to play it down ascribing such killings to 'spontaneous anger' of the people".
In mid July to November there were intense conflict in the Huhudi community where almost daily reports of the stoning and burning of houses belonging to Community Councillors, collaborators and policemen is reported. Nicholas Ntusi, an activist from Huhudi is burnt to death by vigilantes.
MS ZENZISI: What happened is, there was a problem with the school children. They had their grievances and their needs and even the community had a problem with the Councillors.
... has delivered and some of them are sitting amongst us today, which has delivered members of Parliament, Members of the Provincial Legislature, City Councillors and many productive members of the ...
... here. What I know is that there was no fight or conflict at all. The people only had buckets to spill the feces into the offices and the Councillors’ houses. They went to Ngakane’s house. That’s where my son was shot. From what I’ve heard, my son was not fighting. Ngakane was ...
The Police, soldiers, Councillors, Council Police were all regarded by this unit and the ANC as enemies since their main duty was to suppress all political activities and also to arrest and disillusion political activists.
... Continually after that I was harassed. Even when I would get a job, I would be dismissed or assaulted. I was told I am a UDF member. In 1988, Councillors were going to be elected, but they were not going to be elected in a democratic sense. As the United Democratic Front we campaigned ...
... Particularly the 1980's and 1990's was a very difficult period for the East Rand. A lot of the conflicts we saw in the 1980's involved the town councillors and youth but in the 1990's it seems as if the conflict took a very bad turn with the communities turning against each other, members of ...
... were a lot of police running around the township. Were there other people being killed? Were there instances either of police being killed or of Councillors being killed at the time, that you know ...
ADV SANDI: Thank you Mr Chairperson. Mr Tyiwa, I have questions for you so that we can get clarity about this matter between PAC Amagolota and the Councillors.
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