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TRC Final ReportPage Number (Original) 301 Volume 1 Chapter 11 Part Appendix Subsection 1 ■ APPENDIX 1THE TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION COMMISSONChief Executive Officer’s ReportFOR THE PERIOD 15 DECEMBER 1995 TO 31 MARCH 1996The Chief Executive Officer hereby presents his report and submits the first annual financial statements for the period ended 31 March 1996.1 ■ GENERAL REVIEWThe Truth and Reconciliation Commission was constituted in terms of The Promotion of National Unity and Reconciliation Act 34 of 1995 on 15 December 1995. During this first financial period the Truth and Reconciliation Commission commenced starting up operations which involved the setting up of its head office in Cape Town as well as three offices in Gauteng, the Eastern Cape and Kwazulu-Natal. The financial activities of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission for the above period were essentially dominated by this set up phase and the results thereof are clearly reflected in the attached financial statements and may be summarised as follows:
The Cash Flow Deficit represents an over expenditure in relation to funds received from the Department of Justice and other interest and Commission earnings. This is to be funded out of the 1996/1997 budget. ■ CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER AND SECRETARIESIn terms of S46(1) of the Promotion of National Unity and Reconciliation Act 34 of 1995 the following appointments have been made: Chief Executive Officer........................................................................ Dr B S V Minyuku Date of Appointment: 1 March 1996 Secretary to the Reparation and Rehabilitation Committee ................................................................... B Watson Date of Appointment: 1 May 1996 The following positions are still vacant: Secretary to the Human Rights Violations Committee Secretary to the Amnesty Committee ■ FINANCIAL STATEMENTSThe Chief Executive Officer acknowledges his responsibility for the fair presentation in the financial statements of the financial position and results of operations in conformity with generally accepted accounting practice. CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER 14 April 1997 1 See also Report of the Auditor-General on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission for 1995/6. |