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TRC Final ReportPage Number (Original) 304 Paragraph Numbers 1.1 to 3 Volume 1 Chapter 11 Part Appendix Subsection 3 TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION COMMISSION • WAARHEIDS- EN VERSOENINGSKOMMISSIE NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS • AANTEKENINGE BY DIE FINANSIËLE STATE31 MARCH 1996 • 31 MAART 1996 1. Formation and primary objectives1.1 The Truth and Reconciliation Commission was constituted in terms of the Promotion of National Unity and Reconciliation Act,1995 (Act No. 34 of 1995). The Commissioners were appointed by the President in terms of section 7(2)(a) of the Act on 15 December 1995. 1.2 The objectives of the Commission are to promote national unity and reconciliation in a spirit of understanding which transcends the conflicts and divisions of the past by establishing a complete picture of the causes, nature and extent of gross violations of human rights by conducting investigations and holding hearings; facilitating the granting of amnesty to persons who make full disclosure of all the relevant facts relating to these acts; establishing and making known the fate or whereabouts of victims and recommending reparation measures in respect of them; and compiling a report providing a comprehensive account of the activities and findings of the Commission. 2. Accounting policyThe financial statements have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting practice. The principle accounting policy is as follows: 2.1 Basis of preparation The financial statements are prepared on the historical cost basis. 2.2 Fixed assets and depreciation Fixed assets are stated at cost price less accumulated depreciation. Leasehold improvements are written off over the expected life span of the Commission. All other assets are depreciated over their useful lives on the straight line method. 2.3 Income and expenditure Income and expenditure is recognised on the accrual basis. 3. Cash flow statement and comparative figures No cash flow statement and comparative figures have beenp resented as this is the first year of operation of the Commission. 1. Stigting en primêre oogmerke1.1 Die Waarheids- en Versoeningskommissie is ingevolge die Wet op die Bevordering van Nasionale Eenheid en Versoening, 1995 (Wet No. 34 van 1995) gestig. Die Kommissarisse is ingevolge artikel 7(2)(a) van die Wet op 15 Desember 1995 deur die President aangestel. 1.2 Die oogmerke van die Kommissie is om nasionale eenheid en versoening te bevorder in 'n gees van begrip wat uitstyg die konflikte en die verdeeldheid van verkry van die oorsake, aard en omvang die verlede, deur 'n volledige beeld te van growwe skendings van menseregte deur ondersoeke te doen en verhore te hou; die verlening van amnestie te vergemaklik aan persone wat alle tersaaklike feite met betrekking tot die dade ten volle openbaar; die lot of verblyfplek van slagoffers vas te stel en bekend te maak en herstelmaatreëls ten opsigte van hulle aan te beveel; en 'n verslag saam te stel wat 'n volledige oorsig gee van die Kommissie se bedrywighede en bevindinge. 2. Rekeningkundige beleidDie finansiële state word in ooreenstemming met algemeen aanvaarde rekeningkundige praktyk opgestel. Die hoof rekeningkundige beleid is soos volg: 2.1 Grondslag van aanbieding Die finansiële state is op die historiese koste grondslag voorberei. 2.2 Vaste bates en waardevermindering Vaste bates word teen kosprys minus opgehoopte waardevermindering getoon. Huurverbeterings word oor die verwagte lewensduur van die Kommissie afgeskryf. Alle ander bates se waarde verminder oor hul bruikbare lewensduur op die reguitlynmetode. 2.3 Inkomste en uitgawes Inkomste en uitgawes word ooreenkomstig die toevallingsgrondslag erken. 3. Kontantvloeistaat en vergelykende syfers Geen kontantvloeistaat en vergelykende syfers is voorgelê nie aangesien hierdie die eerste jaar van die Kommissie se bedrywighede is.ArrayArray |