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TRC Final ReportPage Number (Original) 464 Paragraph Numbers Part 1 continued Volume 1 Chapter 13 Subsection 18 1974 Affected Organisations Act No 31:S Provided for the declaration of Affected Organisations. Such organisations could not solicit foreign funds. Commenced: 15 March 1974 Repealed by s 7 of the Abolition of Restrictions on Free Political Activity Act No 206 of 1993 1974 Second General Law Amendment Act No 94 (as amended by Acts No 87 of 1977, No 99 of 1978, No 74 of 1982, No 110 of 1983, Nos 84 & 95 of 1986 and No 101 of 1987):W Repealed the Masters and Servants Acts (1856-1910). Section 1 of this Act prohibits any words or acts intended to cause feelings of hostility between different population groups of the Republic. Section 2 prohibits the furnishing of information about business carried on in or outside the Republic to any person outside the Republic without the permission of the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Commenced: 20 November 1974 1976 Parliamentary Internal Security Commission Act No 67:S Established a parliamentary Internal Security Commission and set out its functions. It differed little from the USA House Committee on Un-American Activities except that the South African law had more sanctions at its disposal (Dugard 1978: 173). Commenced: 21 May 1976 Repealed by s 7 of the Abolition of Restriction on Free Political Activity Act No 206 of 1993 1976 Internal Security Amendment Act No 79:S Removed the requirement that internment be linked with states of emergency. It amended five other Security Acts and embodied the 1967 Suppression of Communism Act with some amendments. The ‘Sobukwe’ clause for indefinite detention was deleted and a new provision for indefinite preventive detention was created instead. A Review Committee was established to review detentions within two months and could recommend further detention. Prohibition of bail and detention of potential witnesses were provided for. Restrictions on movement of banned persons were included. Commenced: 16 June 1976 Repealed by the Internal Security Act No 74 of 1982 and the Internal Security and Intimidation Amendment Act No 138 of 1991 except for s 10. Section 10 was repealed by the State of Emergency Act No 86 of 1995. 1976 Inter-Cabinet Council formed by the Prime Minister with members drawn from the Coloured Persons Council and the Indian Council and the white cabinet. First meeting boycotted by the Coloured Labour Party (Dugard 1978: 101). 1976 2 October: Republic of Transkei Constitution Act 26 October: Transkei becomes the first independent homeland. 1977 Bophuthatswana independence. KwaZulu proclaimed a self-governing territory |