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TRC Final ReportPage Number (Original) 467 Paragraph Numbers Part 1 continued Volume 1 Chapter 13 Subsection 20 1980 Industrial Conciliation Amendment Act No 95:W Commenced: 1 August 1980 Repealed by the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 1980 Republic of South African Constitution Fifth Amendment Act No 101:P Abolished the Senate, which was replaced with a multiracial President’s Council, consisting of sixty white, coloured and Indian nominated members. The council was charged with creating a new constitution that would give expression to coloured and Indian political ambitions. The recommendations of this body would lay the basis for the constitution of a tricameral Parliament. Commenced: 1 August 1983 Repealed by the Constitution of Republic of South Africa Act No 200 of 1993 1981 KwaNdebele proclaimed a self-governing territory Ciskei independence 1981 Labour Relations Amendment Act No 57:W Redefined ‘employee’ to cover all black workers, including local and foreign migrants and commuters (SRR 1981: 202). The Act deleted the 1956 provision which prohibited the establishment of new unions (SRR 1981: 203). It gave black workers the right to organise and abolished job reservation. However, it clamped down on unions’ involvement in politics by, for example, prohibiting any union, federation or employers’ organisation from giving financial assistance to a person involved in an illegal strike (SRR 1981: 203-4). Union headquarters could not be established in independent states (SRR 1981: 203). This Act repealed the 1953 Black Labour Relations Regulation Act which provided for works and liaison committees, and replaced these with works councils (SRR 1981: 203). Commenced: 1 November 1981, excluding the provisions of s 21(b): 1 November 1982 and s 63(1): 1 March 1982 Repealed by the Labour Relations Act No 66 of 1995 1982 Intimidation Act No 72:S Repealed s 10-15 of the Riotous Assemblies Act No 17 of 1956. Commenced: 2 June 1982 |