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TRC Final ReportPage Number (Original) 481 Paragraph Numbers Part 2 continues Volume 1 Chapter 13 Subsection 32 CISKEI1975 Proclamation No 86: Provided that the Legislative Assembly could, by petition, request the State President to remove a minister from office and order the appointment of another. Commenced: 29 April 1975 1977 Proclamation R 252: Gave the government of Ciskei powers to declare a State of Emergency. Powers repealed by the 1982 National Security Act, below (SRR 1977: 348-9). 1981 The Status of Ciskei Act No 110: Enabled Ciskei to get its independence. 1981 4 December: Ciskei becomes an independent homeland 1982 National Security Act No 13: Replaced Proclamation R252 of 1977. Provided for detention without trial, banning of individuals and outlawing of organisations and publications. Offences were defined in typically broad terms (SRR 1982: 386-7). Commenced: 27 August 1982 1982 The Ciskei National Assembly amends its Constitution so that no law in effect in the territory can be declared invalid by any court of law on the grounds that it contravenes fundamental human rights. 1983 National Security Amendment Act No 35: Empowered police officers to detain and interrogate persons suspected of having committed or intending to commit an offence. Commenced: 15 February 1983 1983 Arms and Ammunition Amendment Act No 17: Removed several clauses in the old Act (Arms and Ammunition Act 75 of 1969) adopted from South Africa. Commenced: 5 August 1983 1983 Explosives Amendment Act No 18: Amended the Explosives Act 26 of 1956 [SA] to include, under ‘explosive’, petrol bombs and other apparatus which could cause an explosion. Commenced: 5 August 1983 1984 Citizenship Act No 38: Specified who were citizens, who could become citizens and who could lose their citizenship. Commenced: 1 July 1985 1984 Supreme Court Act No 2: Provided for the separation of the Ciskei judiciary from South Africa. Commenced: 16 July 1984 1984 Republic of Ciskei Constitution Amendment Act No 10: Removed the post of Vice-President. Commenced: 27 July 1984 1985 Defence Amendment Act No 11: Incorporated the Department of Defence into the Ciskei defence legislation. Commenced: 26 July 1985 1985 National Security Amendment Act No 24: Empowered the Minister of Justice to lift banning orders. Commenced: 23 August 1985 1985 Indemnity Act No 31: Indemnified the Ciskei administration against any court proceedings arising from their actions. Commenced: 25 July 1985 1985 Explosives Amendment Act No 30: Widened the definition of explosives. Commenced: 7 February 1986 1985 National Security Second Amendment Act No 33: Empowered the Attorney-General to prohibit the release on bail of people in seventy different cases (RRS 1985: 264-5). Commenced: 23 August 1986 1985 Repeal of Laws Act No 22: Further eliminated legislation adopted from South Africa. Commenced: 23 August 1985 1986 Defence Act No 17: Established a Ciskei defence force. Commenced: 26 September 1986 1986 Elite Unit Act No 18: Established an intelligence organisation which could investigate almost anything. Commenced: 1 August 1986 1986 National Key Points Act No 16: Empowered the Minister of Defence to declare any premises a ‘national key point’. Such premises could not be destroyed. Commenced: 1 August 1986 1988 National Security Amendment Act No 5: Provided for the arrest of any person who directly or indirectly rendered any assistance to persons suspected of being ‘terrorists’, or failed to report them (or have them reported) to the police. Commenced: 19 August 1988 1990 Proclamation No 3: Provided for security emergency regulations and for external assistance to be sought from a neighbouring country in order to maintain law and order (RRS 1989/90: 490-96). Commenced: 9 March 1990 1991 National Security Amendment Decree No 4: Declared a state of emergency in the residential areas of Shiloh, Ekuphumeleni, Sada and Whittlesea, and in the industrial area of Sada, in the magisterial district of Whittlesea. Commenced: 9 March 1990 1993 Ciskei National Security Decree No 19: Provided for indefinite detention without trial. Commenced: 3 September 1993 Sections 14-17 repealed by the State of Emergency Act No 86 of 1995 [SA]. |