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TRC Final ReportPage Number (Original) 451 Paragraph Numbers Part 1 continued Volume 1 Chapter 13 Subsection 4 1927 Black (Native) Administration Act No 38:L,U Section 5(1)(b) provided that ‘whenever he deemed it expedient in the public interest, the minister might, without prior notice to any persons concerned, order any tribe, portion thereof, or individual black person, to move from one place to another within the Republic of South Africa’ (Horrell 1978: 204). S Section 29(1) prohibited the fomenting of feelings of hostility between blacks and whites. Amended by s 4 of the Black Laws Further Amendment Act No 79 of 1957. This was extended to all racial groups in terms of s 1 of the 1974 Second General Law Amendment Act (see below). ‘All the reported cases concern charges of inciting hostility among blacks towards the white section of the community’ rather than cases of whites who cause feelings of racial hostility by racially abusive comments (Dugard 1978: 178). Used extensively to carry out forced removals. Later amended by the 1973 Bantu (Black) Laws Amendment Act. Commenced: 1 September 1927, except ss 22, 23 & 36: 1 January 1929 Sections 5(1)-(5) repealed by the Abolition of Influx Control Act No 68 of 1986; repealed in full by the Abolition of Restrictions on Free Political Activity Act No 206 of 1993 1930 Riotous Assemblies (Amendment) Act No 19:S Authorised the Governor-General to prohibit the publication or other dissemination of any ‘documentary information ... calculated to engender feelings of hostility between the European inhabitants of the Union on the one hand and any other section of the inhabitants of the Union on the other hand’ (Dugard 1978: 177). Commenced: 21 May 1930 Repealed by s 20 of the Riotous Assemblies Act No 17 of 1956 1936 Representation of Blacks Act No 12:P Removed black voters in the Cape from the common roll and placed them on a separate roll (Dugard 1978: 90). Blacks throughout the Union were then represented by four white senators. Commenced: 10 July 1936 Repealed by s 15 of the Representation between the Republic of South Africa and self-governing Territories Act No 46 of 1959 1936 Development Trust and Land Act No 18:L Expanded the reserves to a total of 13, 6 per cent of the land in South Africa and authorised the Department of Bantu Administration and Development to eliminate ‘black spots’ (black-owned land surrounded by white-owned land) (Horrell 1978: 203). The South African Development Trust (SADT) was established and could, in terms of the Act, acquire land in each of the provinces for black settlement (RRS 1991/92: 381). Commenced: 31 August 1936 Repealed by Proc R 28 of 1992, 31 March 1992 (phasing out and abolishing the SADT in terms of the Abolition of Racially Based Land Measures Act No 108 of 1991) 1937 Aliens Act No 1:P Restricted and regulated the entry of certain aliens into the Union and regulated the right of any person to assume a surname. Commenced: 1 February 1937 Repealed by s 33 of the Births and Deaths Registration Act No 51 of 1992 |