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TRC Final ReportPage Number (Original) 503 Paragraph Numbers Part 2 continues Volume 1 Chapter 13 Subsection 47 1984 Commission of Inquiry into Township Establishment and Related MattersMandate: To inquire into, report on and make recommendations regarding – a) methods and proposals for the accelerated provision of affordable new housing by giving particular attention to simplifying and expediting township establishment by, for instance, removing or streamlining any impeding legislation and regulations; b) ways of transferring land to competent institutions, or any other measures in cases where township establishment does not proceed as desired; c) ways to facilitate efficient use of land, for example by relaxing some of the restrictions on the subdivision or the placing of more than one housing unit on an erf or holding; and d) any other methods which may promote the provision of sufficient residential erven and reduce their cost. Date of Report: 29 March 1983 Chair: VENTER, A.A. Ref: RP 20, 21 and 54/1984 First report: RP 20/1984. Second report: RP 21/1984. Third report: RP 54/1984. 1985 Commission Appointed to Inquire into the Incident which occurred on 21 March 1985 at UitenhageMandate: To investigate the circumstances surrounding the incident on the date mentioned, in which people were killed and injured, and to submit an urgent report. Date of Report: 4 June 1985 Chair: KANNEMEYER, D.D.V. Ref: RP 74-85; S297/103 1985 Commission of Inquiry into the Violence which occurred on 29 October 1983 at the University of ZululandMandate: To inquire into and report on the circumstances surrounding the violence at the University of Zululand on 29 October 1983. Date of Report: February 1985 Chair: MIDDLETON, A.J. Ref: RP 80/1985 1988 Commission of Inquiry into alleged misappropriation of funds of the Lebowa Government ServiceMandate: To inquire into, report on and make recommendations on- a) the possible misappropriation of funds of the Lebowa Government Service by i) the financing of the erection of a house on the farm Majebaskraal and ii) the granting of a loan to Kgosi L.C. Mothiba; b) the methods employed and malpractices committed in connection with any irregularities or advantage accorded anyone, or any misappropriation the Commission may find; c) steps to end such practices, and action to be taken against those involved. Date of Report: 18 October 1988. Chair: DEKKER, L.W. Ref: RP 45-89; S291/141 (Bilingual) 1989 Commission of Inquiry into Certain Alleged Across-Border IrregularitiesMandate: To accept the findings made by the ‘Alexander Commission’ and to attempt to clear up alleged irregularities found but not fully investigated by that commission with regard to the processing and granting of gambling rights and related licences by Transkeian authorities. |