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TRC Final ReportPage Number (Original) 688 Paragraph Numbers 19 to 22 Volume 6 Section 5 Chapter 4 Part Appendix1 Subsection 5 1 9 . Volume 3, Chapter 3, paragraph 259, pages 256 – 7The Commission has made a comprehensive finding regarding the KZP, in which it is described, inter alia, as a highly politicised force, openly assisting the IFP – by omission and by active participation -in the commission of gross human rights violations, as well as being grossly incompetent. This paragraph is amended by the insertion of the first sentence below:In investigating the activity of the KZP, which was disbanded and integrated into the SAPS in 1994, the Commission did not have the benefit of eliciting the viewpoint of and evidence from the KZP, as most of its senior members did not volunteer evidence to the Commission. The Commission has made a compre hens i v e finding re g a rding the KZP, in which it is described, inter alia, as a highly politicised f o rce, openly assisting the IFP – by omission and by active participation - in the commission of gross human rights violations, as well as being grossly incompetent. 2 0 . Volume 3, Chapter 3, first two sub-paragraphs of the finding at paragraph 390, pages 306 –7:THE COMMISSION FINDS THAT, DURING THE PERIOD 1993 – 1994, THE SELFPROTECTION UNIT PROJECT (SPU),ALTHOUGH OFFICIALLY PLACED WITHIN THE AMBIT OF THE PEACE ACCORD AND CONTAINING AN ELEMENT OF SELF PROTECTION, WAS ALSO INTENDED TO FURNISH THE INKATHA FREEDOM PARTY WITH THE MILITARY CAPACITY TO, BY FORCE, PREVENT THE CENTRAL GOVERNMENT AND THE TRANSITIONAL EXECUTIVE COUNCIL FORM HOLDING ELECTIONS WHICH DID NOT ACCOMMODATE THE IFP’S DESIRES FOR SELF-DETERMINATION . IT WAS ADMITTED AT THE TIME BY THE PERSONS NAMED BELOW THAT SUCH ARMED RESISTANCE WOULD ENTAIL THE RISK OF UNLAWFUL DEATH AND INJURY TO PERSONS. The second bolded paragraph starting with the words “It was admitted” and ending with the words “injury to persons” will be deleted. The first bolded paragraph will be amended as follows:THE COMMISSION FINDS THAT, DURING THE PERIOD 1993 – 1994, THE SELFPROTECTION UNIT PROJECT (SPU), ALTHOUGH OFFICIALLY PLACED WITHIN THE AMBIT OF THE PEACE ACCORD AND CONTAINING AN ELEMENT OF SELF PROTECTION, WAS ALSO INTENDED BY SENIOR INKATHA MEMBERS TO FURNISH THE INKATHA FREEDOM PA RTY WITH A PARAMILITARY CAPACITY TO, BY FORCE, DISRUPT THE CENTRAL GOVERNMENT AND THE TRANSITIONAL EXECUTIVE COUNCIL FORM HOLDING ELECTIONS WHICH DID NOT ACCOMM O D ATE THE IFP’S DESIRES FOR SELF-DETERMINAT I O N . 2 1 . Volume 3, Chapter 3, paragraph 296, page 270:296 In 1991, as a result of these concerns, Daluxolo Luthuli summoned Gcina Brian Mkhize [AM4599/97] to a meeting in Ulundi. Mkhize was a ‘Caprivi trianee’ who had joined the KZP and was posted to the Esikhawini Riot Unit in 1990. The meeting was held at KZP Captain Leonard Langeni’s office in Ulundi early in 1991. At the time, Langeni was the officer commanding the then KLA Protect i o n Unit. Others present at the meeting were Luthuli, Prince Gideon Zulu (then KwaZulu Minister of Pensions), Mr M R Mzimela (then Secretary of the KwaZulu Legislature), and Mr MZ Khumalo (then personal assistant to Chief Buthelezi). This paragraph is amended as follows: 296 According to Daluxolo Luthuli and Gcina Brian Mkhize [AM4599/97] in 1991, as a result of these concerns, Luthuli summoned Mkhize to a meeting in Ulundi. Mkhize was a ‘Caprivi trianee’ who had joined the KZP and was posted to the Esikhawini Riot Unit in 1990. The meeting was held at KZP Captain Leonard Lange n i ’s office in Ulundi early in 1991. At the time, Langeni was the officer commanding the then KLA Protection Unit. Others present at the meeting were Luthuli, Prince Gideon Zulu (then KwaZulu Minister of Pensions), Mr M R Mzimela (then Secretary of the KwaZulu Legislature), and Mr MZ Khumalo , a senior Inkatha official . 22 Volume 3, Chapter 3, second bolded sub-paragraph at paragraph 308, pages 276 –9:INKATHA LEADERS APPROACHED THE INKATHA CENTRAL AUTHORITY IN ULUNDI BECAUSE THEY WERE CONCERNED THAT THEY WERE IN THE PROCESS OF LOSING THE STRUGGLE. This sub-paragraph is amended as follows:LOCAL INKATHA LEADERS IN ESIKAWENI APPROACHED CERTAIN SENIOR I N K ATHA OFFICIALS IN ULUNDI BECAUSE THEY WERE CONCERNED THAT THEY WERE IN THE PROCESS OF LOSING THE STRUGGLE. The following sub-paragraph is inserted as the final bolded sub-paragraph of the bulleted findings relating to the hit squads on page 278:THE COMMISSION NOTES THAT THE IFP DISPUTES THE VERSIONS OF DALOXOLO LUTHULI, GCINA BRIAN MKHIZE AND OTHERS. THE COMMISSION NOTES FURTHER THAT THOSE IFP MEMBERS IMPLICATED DID NOT MAKE THEMSELVES AVAILABLE TO THE COMMISSION TO REBUT THE EVIDENCE. |