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TRC Final ReportPage Number (Original) 727 Paragraph Numbers 7 to 16 Volume 6 Section 5 Chapter 7 Subsection 2 BENEFICIARY CONTRIBUTION TO REPARATION FUND7. The Commission recommends and urges that all beneficiaries of apartheid make a contribution to the Reparation Fund. NATIONAL PROGRAMME OF ACTION8. The Commission recommends and urges that government and civil society adopt the national programme of action proposed by the South African Human Rights Commission, and work towards a society free of racism, xenophobia and related intolerance. 9. It proposes further that government move urgently to implement related programmes, particularly amongst young people. ANNUAL REPORTING DURING BUDGET VOTE10. The Commission recommends and urges that all ministers with portfolios relating to issues affecting victims report annually on the status and circumstances of surviving victims during the budget vote in parliament for a period of six years following the publication of this Codicil to the Commission’s Final Report. SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR EDUCATION11. The Commission recommends and urges that the Department of Education, the South African Qualifications Authority and institutions of higher learning make special arrangements for entry into tertiary educational institutions of those whose secondary and tertiary education was interrupted by the struggle, as was done for those whose studies were interrupted by World War II. KEEPING THE PAST ALIVE12. The Commission recommends and urges that the curriculum of the South African Human Rights Commission National Education Centre include projects that aim to encourage children to keep the past alive. TASK TEAM TO DEAL WITH DISAPPEARANCES AND EXHUMATIONS13. The Commission recommends and urges government to act on the recommendation of the Commission in regard to dealing with disappearances and exhumations and to establish a task team to deal with these matters. ‘HEALING THE MEMORY’ CONFERENCE14. The Commission recommends and urges that government convene an urgent c o n f e rence aimed at healing the memory in respect of those who did not return. CONFERENCE DEDICATED TO THE FALLEN15. The Commission recommends and urges that government convene a conference dedicated to the memories of those who were executed or killed in such circumstances that their honour and reputation and their loyalty to their organisations were deliberately slandered by others, often causing their families and friends great distress and sometimes leading to the death and torture of family members. APOLOGY BY HEAD OF STATE ON BEHALF OF PERPETRATORS OF GROSS VIOLATIONS OF HUMAN RIGHTS16. The Commission recommends and urges that, as head of state, the President of the Republic of South Africa apologises to all victims on behalf of those members of the security forces of the former state and those armed forces of the liberation movements who committed gross violations of human rights. |