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Special Report Transcript Episode 13, Section 2, Time 01:59

You say that during this period - that’s during the eighties, mid eighties - both Ciskei and South African military and police forces were losing control of the situation and they showed using irregular forces and thugs as their covert agents to destabilize these communities and their Committee. Where did you get that information from? What led you to believe that as being a matter of fact? // What happened is that in that time when these things were happening we knew that the police did not want anything that had to do with political uprising. The uprising defeated them and they used gangsters. // Yes, how did you know that? // A lot of things happened in Mdantsane that we saw them happening. Since 1981 up until 1989 there was never any order in the Ciskei. The police used to use people to do dirty things to people, particularly people who were involved in the uprising against apartheid. And since 1981 when Sebe was in power until 1989, there were people who were gangsters who were living at the section. But what happened was that somebody would be found dead, somebody would be raped; when we would go and report it they wouldn’t pay any attention to it and we realized that there is some kind of involvement between the police and the gangsters.

Notes: Robin Brink (Amnesty Committee); Lyanda Kana (Applicant)

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On 16 June 1976, police opened fire on approximately 10 000 school students in Soweto during a protest against the compulsory use of Afrikaans as a medium of instruction in schools. The shootings provoked extensive unrest and protest throughout Soweto, spreading over the following months to several ...
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