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Special Report
Transcripts for Section 5 of Episode 5

19:25Perhaps I should remind you of the structure of the Truth Commission before we move our focus to the hearings at Phokeng, in North West Province. // The Truth and Reconciliation Commission is divided into 3 committees: The Committee on Human Rights Violations, the Committee on Amnesty, and the Committee on Rehabilitation. The Committee on Human Rights Violations listens to victims or relatives of victims of torture, murder and disappearances. The Committee on Amnesty hears applications for amnesty of people guilty of human rights violations. To qualify for amnesty perpetrators must have had a political objective and must make full disclosure. The Committee can set aside jail sentences and people who are granted amnesty may not be tried for those acts again. The Committee on Reparation and Rehabilitation considers the plight of victims and may consider compensation. This Committee has not had a public hearing to date.Full Transcript
Broadcasting for Total Citizen Empowerment
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