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The victims' index provides a comprehensive listing of the known victims of politically motivated crimes during the apartheid era, as identified through the TRC.


The list provides detailed information related to personal loss, death or injury, as well as the victim's age at the time of the incident.

TRC Victims - Letter M

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MONKOE, Thaluki Piet 43He had his home burnt down on 2 February 1980 at GaMatlala, Lebowa, by supporters of Chief BK Matlala because Mr Monkoe resisted Lebowa`s proposed independence from South Africa.References
MONNAESI, Khumo Hilda 20A COSAS supporter who was beaten and kicked by members of the Bophutha-tswana Police on 1 January 1989 at the Mashwele Primary School, Zeerust, Tvl, during a meeting to discuss the incorporation of Leeuwfontein into Bophuthatswana.References
MONNAKGOTLA, Itumeleng Tiro 12Was severely beaten by members of the SAP in May 1966 during forced removals at Rustenburg, Tvl.References
MONNAKGOTLA, Mark ModiseWas detained in 1966 and held for three years at Rustenburg, Tvl, for resisting forced removals.References
MONNANA, Ipeleng 23Was severely beaten by members of the Bophuthatswana Police at Leeuwfontein near Zeerust, Tvl, on 1 July 1989. Mr Monnana had been arrested during violent conflict over the forced incorporation of villages into Bophuthatswana.References
MONNANA, Mmniemang Gladys 31Was detained in July 1989 and held for seven weeks by the Bophuthatswana Police in Zeerust, Tvl. The police were harassing the residents of Mogola village during conflict over the incorporation of Leeuwfontein and Braklaagte into Bophuthatswana.References
MONNANA, Moitlobo RuthWas severely beaten in detention by members of the Bophuthatswana Police in Zeerust, Tvl, on 1 July 1989.References
MONNANA, Onkemetse Collen 17Was arrested and repeatedly raped by members of the Bophutha-tswana Police in Leeuwfontein, Tvl, on 4 July 1989. He and two others were allegedly arrested under suspicion of killing a policeman.References
MONNANA, Rabusang BlacknumbiWas killed by Bophuthatswana prison authorities at Rooigrond prison in Mafikeng, Bophuthatswana, on 15 February 1991. Mr Monnana was accused of killing nine members of the Bophuthatswana Police.References
MONNANE, Ramotemedi LazerusWas sjambokked by members of the Bophuthatswana Police on 1 July 1989 in Leeuwfontein, Tvl, during resistance to the incorporation of the area into Bophuthatswana. References
MONNAPULA, MichaelAn ANC supporter who was detained and tortured by named members of the SAP in Johannesburg, in 1970. He died three weeks after his release.References
MONNYE, Mohlolioa Jacob 30A PAC supporter who was assaulted and abducted from his home by named members of the SAP in Thabong, Welkom, OFS, on 5 July 1993. Police were allegedly seeking information from him about another PAC supporter.References
MONO, Gabriel Barend ThabisoWas one of a group of boys abducted by Mandela United Football Club members from the Methodist manse in Orlando, Soweto, Johannesburg, on 29 December 1988 and taken to Ms Madikizela-Mandela`s house in Diepkloof, Soweto. The youths were accused of sexual involvement with a Methodist priest and of being police informers. They were severely beaten and assaulted by named perpetrators in the presence of Ms Madikizela-Mandela. See Mandela United Football Club.References
MONO, Johannes Nkedi 21A UDF supporter who was arrested and severely tortured by members of the SAP at Fochville, Vereeniging, Tvl, on 30 May 1986.References
MONO, Kudumane Daniel 48Was shot dead by members of the SAP during the Sharpeville massacre in Sharpeville, Vereeniging, Tvl, on 21 March 1960.References
MONOKOA, AlbertAn ANC supporter who was detained and severely beaten by members of the SAP at the Reddersburg police station, OFS, in March 1988, after he and others had been toyi-toying during political conflict.References
MONOKOANE, Disebo AliciaWas severely injured during the Boipatong massacre by IFP supporters in Boipatong, near Vanderbijlpark, Tvl, on 17 June 1992, which left 45 people dead and 27 seriously injured. Thirteen perpetrators were granted amnesty, a further three applications were refused (AC/2000/209).References
MONOKOANE, Josias Moagi 17An ANC supporter who was shot and injured by members of the SAP in Masilo, Theunissen, OFS, on 20 May 1990. Mr Monokoane was part of a community self-defence unit (SDU) that had come together for protection against an expected attack by a vigilante group. One person was killed and one other was injured when police opened fire on the group.References
MONOKOPANE, Tseko GeorgeHe suffered severe ill-treatment and damage to property during the Boipatong massacre by IFP supporters in Boipatong, near Vanderbijlpark, Transvaal, on 17 June 1992, which left forty five people dead and twenty seven seriously injured. Thirteen perpetrators were granted amnesty; a further three applications were refused (AC/2000/209).References
MONOKWA, Lomile Lydia 29She had her home damaged in an arson attack by a named perpetrator in Maboloko, Bophuthatswana, on 4 December 1976. The attack occurred during conflict between rival chiefs.References
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