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The victims' index provides a comprehensive listing of the known victims of politically motivated crimes during the apartheid era, as identified through the TRC.


The list provides detailed information related to personal loss, death or injury, as well as the victim's age at the time of the incident.

TRC Victims - Letter M

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MOSEGEDI, Mosetsanyane Evelyn 33Was threatened and intimidated by named SAP-backed vigilantes comprising local councillors in Huhudi, Vryburg, Cape, in November 1985. The target of the Huhudi vigilantes was the Huhudi Civic Association, the body that took the lead in the community.References
MOSEHLA, Betty 43Was severely injured when struck with rifle butts and sjamboks by police who fired on a crowd gathered to protest against police brutality at City Rocks Stadium, Winterveld, Bophutha-tswana on 26 March 1986. Eleven people were killed and 200 injured. See City Rocks shooting.References
MOSEKARE, OupaWas shot and injured by a member of the SAP in Soweto, Johannesburg, on 23 August 1976 in the aftermath of the Soweto uprising. One other person was shot dead in the same incident.References
MOSEKI, Michael SiphoWas beaten to death by members of the ISU on 24 February 1994 in Bekkersdal, near Westonaria, Tvl, during conflict between ANC, IFP and AZAPO supporters.References
MOSELAKGOMO, Mokgaetji Malesiba 50She had her home burnt down on 2 February 1980 in GaMatlala, Lebowa, by supporters of Chief BK Matlala because she resisted Lebowa`s proposed independence from South Africa.References
MOSELANE, Ngako Jacob Shuffle 35An ANC supporter who was shot and injured by a named member of the SAP in Kroonstad, OFS, on 6 May 1988, while singing freedom songs in a house with his friends.References
MOSENSA, DavidWas killed in Boipatong, Vanderbiljpark, Tvl, on 5 July 1992.References
MOSENSA, Ponko JamesWas killed in Boipatong, Vanderbiljpark, Tvl, on 5 July 1992. References
MOSES, Johanna 18Was shot dead by members of the security forces in Elsies River, Cape Town, on 16 June 1980, during protests relating to the school boycott and commemoration of the Soweto uprising.References
MOSES, NeilWas shot dead by members of the SAP in Paarl, Cape, on 23 October 1985.References
MOSES, Thandi LydiaWas injured when members of MK`s Special Operations Unit detonated an explosive in a car outside the SADF Witwatersrand Command headquarters in Johannesburg on 30 July 1987. At least 68 people were injured. Three MK operatives and one UDF supporter linked to MK were granted amnesty for their various roles in this attack (AC/2001/0003 and AC/2000/248).References
MOSETLHENG, Evelyn Letlhogonolo 17Was shot in the leg and injured by a named member of the SAP on 30 August 1991 in Reagile, Koster, Tvl, during political conflict between members of the community and local councillors.References
MOSHANE, Moses Phakwe Moleme 11Was shot dead by members of the SAP at Kutloanong, Odendaals-rus, OFS, on 12 March 1990, during a march celebrating the release of Nelson Mandela from prison.References
MOSHANE, Zoyisile Given 37An ANC supporter who was shot and injured in the leg in 1992 in Alexandra, Johannesburg, during conflict between IFP-aligned hostel-dwellers and ANC-supporting residents.References
MOSHANI, Nontobeko 28An ANC supporter who was severely beaten by members of the Ciskei Police in Peddie, Ciskei, in 1990, during police suppression of political activity. Several people were injured when police started assaulting ANC supporters who had gathered for a meeting in the area.References
MOSHANI, Sabatha 10Was shot in the head and his home was burnt down in Crossroads, Cape Town, on 6 March 1993, by named perpetrators including a Special Constable linked to a named Crossroads leader. Sabatha was left mentally disabled by the attack.References
MOSHANI, Vuyisile William 47He lost his home in an attack by named perpetrators, including a Special Constable linked to a named Crossroads leader, in Crossroads, Cape Town, on 6 March 1993. His son was shot and severely injured in the attack.References
MOSHAPA, TetoSuffered severe damage to house and property as a result of a car-bomb explosion in Gaborone, Botswana, on 22 April 1987. See Gaborone car bomb. The head of the Security Branch and four Northern and Western Transvaal Security Branch operatives were granted amnesty for this operation (AC/2000/214).References
MOSHE, ClaudiaA UDF supporter who had her house damaged when it was attacked by Inkatha supporters during political violence at Mpumalanga, KwaZulu, near Durban, on 14 November 1987. One perpetrator was granted amnesty (AC/1999/0332).References
MOSHEUNYANE, Gasekgatle Sarah 37Was assaulted with sjamboks and batons by Bophutha-tswana Police during a meeting at Dryharts Bathlapin tribal office in Taung, Bophuthatswana, on 6 December 1990. Dryharts villagers had summoned chief Jerry Mahura to hear their grievances when police dispersed the crowd with teargas and sjamboks.References
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