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Was injured when MK operatives detonated an explosive in a car outside the South African Air Force (SAAF) headquarters in Church Street, Pretoria, on 20 May 1983. Twenty-one people were killed and 217 injured. The overall commander of MK`s Special Operations Unit and two MK operatives were granted amnesty (AC/2001/003 and AC/2001/023). See Church Street bombing, Pretoria.

... strongly criticized by businessmen from the Black Management Forum and COSATU. The following segment provides a profile of Truth Commissioner Piet Meiring and the final segment features a special documentary on South Africa?s involvement in the failed 1981 coup in the ...
Truth Commissioner Piet Meiring
There were shots and people were crying. As I was running a white person said ‘Zulu, capture him, there he is’ and I went straight into the passage. When I got into the passage they couldn’t see me anymore and I heard a loud bang of a gun behind me, seven times. I ran just alongside the ...
It is necessary to bring together perpetrators and victims and sufferers. It’s all nice to talk about this and pay lip service to the idea until actual people are being identified as perpetrators or victims and then the question is would these specific individuals, will they be willing to meet? ...
There were shots and people were crying. As I was running a white person said ‘Zulu, capture him, there he is’ and I went straight into the passage. When I got into the passage they couldn’t see me anymore and I heard a loud bang of a gun behind me, seven times. I ran just alongside the ...
No plan, no envisaged plan, no joint venture of that nature was ever discussed with me at all. // I’m not aware of any case where the Defence Force and the police would have acted together internally and where people had been killed and had not been discussed with me. // I in my more than 35 ...
I was trained as a minister of religion and have spent time in two congregations in Riviera, also in Linwood Ridge in Pretoria. I also spent some time at the theological faculty at the University of the North, at Turfloop. Since 1998 I served as Professor in Theology and Missiology, the science of ...
In a sense its rather ironic that in a time when Mr PW Botha doesn’t want to come to the TRC that some of the more right wing people are wanting to come to the TRC and I think we owe them that they should have a hearing, or an event where they can put their case. Also for the sake of ...
For us as a team it symbolized committing ourselves to reconciliation, the fact that we’ve come in, the fact that we work with the TRC on a frequent basis, we are also committed to reconciling South Africa as a whole. But what’s the symbol behind it from the TRC’s perspective? // Well for us ...
I was sitting in my room in the office in Pretoria at the University, early last year in January, at peace with the world not thinking even of the TRC when the phone rang. I picked up the telephone and if I remember correctly it went like this. Hi Piet it’s Desmond speaking, are you sitting down? ...
Dries Kriel and Eugene Terreblanche and their other colleague Gen Olefse said to us that it took some agonizing before they came but they realized that in a sense they reached the end of a line, they spoke of a cal de sac, that they had either to go back to the streets to plant bombs or they had to ...
... the 64 000 dollar question. We have had cooperation. At Dr Boraine’s level, he talks positively about the cooperation he’s had with Gen Meiring. I’ve brought them together, that’s been stated, but the proof of the pudding is as they say in the eating. And until we can determine as ...
Welcome back. This coming week the Truth Commission will hold a special hearing on the role of churches and organised religion in our past. Tonight we want to introduce you to the Truth Commission member who is the driving force behind this hearing, Professor Piet Meiring.
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