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A-Team (Chesterville, Durban)

The Chesterville A-Team, a state-sponsored vigilante group composed of Inkatha supporters, was set up by the Security Branch in 1985 in Chesterville, Durban, to counter the activities of the UDF, COSAS and other civic organisations in the area. Political tensions between UDF supporters and members of the Chesterville A-Team frequently resulted in attacks against UDF and ANC supporters.

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We’ve come to the end of our programme. The Truth Commission sits in Mmabatho the whole of next week and on Friday the main political parties will make their submissions to the Truth Commission in Cape Town. We leave you with scenes of Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Doctor Alex Boraine at the ...
Mr. Chairman were about to see video footage of the interior of the tavern as taken by the police team on the morning after the attack. // Mr. Chairman the camera moves to a raised portion of the interior of the tavern where the other two deceased lay. That is Bernadette Langford and Lindy Fourie. ...
Hello. A warm welcome from the Special Report team to our first programme for 1997. We’re on a new channel, SABC 1; a new timeslot, 8 o’clock; a slightly shorter programme and a bit of a new look. In tonight’s programme we’re going to look at which perpetrators of gross human rights ...
This episode starts with a report back on the amnesty applications (heard in Pietermaritzburg, 10 to 13 February) of three former policemen for murdering ANC member Mbongeni Jama, and includes evidence of police complicity in gun running and supplying arms to the IFP. In the following segment ...
We’ve come to the end of tonight’s programme. Our team is preparing a documentary on the experiences of young white soldiers who were conscripted into the old Defence Force. If you want to share your experience, please contact Annelies Burgess by fax or e-mail. Until next Sunday good night.
Gideon Niewoudt’s legal team has now asked that all other amnesty applications by Niewoudt should be heard by a different committee than the one that handed down this recent decision. They argued that the same committee would be biased in other cases. The application was granted and Niewoudt will ...
In this episode we are introduced to Jeffrey Benzien, the Western Cape policeman notorious for his wet-bag torture method. Benzien appeared before the Amnesty Committee this week for the torture of activists and killing of MK cadre Ashley Kriel and were confronted by some of his torture victims ...
Three good friends get together once or twice a year to talk about the old times. They go way back these guys. They were once cops together at Brixton Murder and Robbery. About 10 years ago all 3 suddenly quit the force for a new career on the other side of the law. Between them they have been ...
There’s an air of anticipation in the Eastern Cape city as Biko’s killers come to ask for amnesty. A large crowd gathers for the public hearing at the community hall in New Brighton. The world’s media have come to witness whether or not the five security policemen, who lied at the 1977 ...
It was the A-Team, Dan Mtembu and Mtombeni family and Mpansa family and Cebekhulu’s boy and many others, and the Isaacs. I won’t forget those, Musa and Popi.
On Monday morning the TRC leads the family of slain askari, Brian Ngqulunga to his gravesite at Vlakplaas, South Africa’s most notorious death farm. Ngqulunga was one of the black security policemen who lived and died in the dirty sinister world of Vlakplaas. He was part of the team that brutally ...
In the two decades since Biko’s brutal death in detention his name has become synonymous with black consciousness, black pride; black dignity in South Africa. But the circumstances surrounding his death have always been associated with white police brutality, secrecy and lies. Biko was arrested ...
This episode begins with a report on Eugene de Kock?s criminal trial and the effects his revelations - implicating the former state president, cabinet ministers and others - might have on the Truth Commission process. The segment includes an interview with Truth Commissioner Dumisa Ntsebeza ...
Hello. Welcome to the second last edition of the Special Report. Before we get on with today’s report a huge apology to all our viewers. Our programme was not broadcast last Sunday, as it had been for almost two years. The Special Report team was very upset and embarrassed by this because the ...
We are particularly outraged at her obvious complicity in the recent abductions and assault on young people like Stompie. We believe that had Stompie and his three colleagues not been abducted by Mrs. Mandela’s football team, he would have been alive today. The Mass Democratic Movement at this ...
During the second half of the 1980s many black communities were suffering under internal conflicts. Victim became perpetrator; perpetrator became victim. Let’s take a hard look at vigilantism and gangs. But first, the story of the notorious A-Team in Durban. This is Hané Koster’s report.
We have come to the end of our last programme for 1996. Our first programme for 1997 will be on Sunday 26 January next year and we sincerely hope you will all join us again then. But hopefully the healing process will not take a holiday. If you are interested in the healing of the memories ...
‘Ladies and gentlemen welcome to Port Elizabeth’ // We’ve just touched down here in the Eastern Cape where the Truth Commission held its first Human Rights Violations hearings in April last year. The Special Report team hopes to speak to some of the first victims who told their stories to the ...
Then the other side, those branded informers, started hitting back. People in the township started referring to them as the A-Team after an American television series. Members of the community say the police assisted the A-Team, but they deny this saying that when they were in trouble the police ...
The one man who seemed prepared to go further than denials was Rubin Marx. Marx is an old style policeman who was also part of the interrogation team. // The deceased Mr Biko did not like being told to get up when Siebert told him he must get up when he speak to me in my office. I thought that I ...
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